Wardrobe Tracking

Once you have created your free account and:

1. Added your products by clicking “Add Product” and adding in as much info as you can

2. In User Settings (top right hand corner once logged in) added your Country

3. Started using the functionality by clicking Wear and Clean every time you perform those actions when using your clothes…

Over time you will be able to see the information shown below (and a lot more).

Start seeing the relationships between the clothes that you wear in an easy to consume manner. This will allow you to make quicker decisions when putting together outfits or even replacing items in your wardrobe.


Once you have added your Country in the User Settings and when adding a product if you add the Made in Country, you will be able to see at a glance the approx. distance being travelled for a product to get to you for your whole wardrobe.


When you have quite a few different types on clothes/products in your wardrobe trying to keep track of the materials you’re wearing can become difficult. This is even more important if you’re trying to understand if your product breakdown is currently sustainable and to be able to create a benchmark to start moving towards using more sustainable materials.


As you use the platform, over time you will get a picture of what percentage of your wardrobe you’re actually using. This will allow to understand whether you need to consider selling these unused products if you’re not wearing them and they’re in good condition, or recycling them. It also allows you to consider not purchasing new products, if you are already under-utilising your wardrobe.


Once you start using the clean tracking and if you have filled out the required data at the product level, over time you will start being able to see the amount of water you’re using on a product and wardrobe level. This is an important statistic, as you can make better decisions about how to clean your products, reducing water waste as a result.


This is just the beginning… there is a lot more information that you can start gathering and many more charts to view once you start using the platform. Once you have the product level info filled, all it takes is clicking Wear or Clean to start gathering insights over time.


Making sustainable decisions is important and I hope this free tool provides you with a step towards making such sustainable decisions.


If you have any questions at all about the platform or have any feedback, please don’t hesitate reaching out via the Contact page.