Thank you for visiting my journal! I’ll be updating this area with my thoughts both on Meet Your Wardrobe, and sustainability in general.
You can check out my podcast, Blazon, that dives into areas of the creative arts here ( and you can check out Revstance, our platform showcasing independent brands here (

Brands can be part of the customers sustainability journey
How independent brands can use Meet Your Wardrobe as part of their post-purchase customer sustainability journey. Brands are currently facing a multi-faceted challenge… +

Why you should tag the brand when adding your products
Why you should tag the brand when adding your products Tagging the brand is an important part of the MYW model. This is because if

What does a shared wardrobe look like when you share it with someone?
What does a shared wardrobe look like when you share it with someone? So what does your shared wardrobe look like when you share it

How to transfer items from your Wardrobe to your Private and Public Shared Wardrobe
How to transfer items from your Wardrobe to your Private and Public Shared Wardrobe In order to start sharing or selling your items either privately

Getting Started With Private Wardrobe Sharing
Getting Started with Private Wardobe Sharing This is a quick guide to get you started. If you have not used Meet Your Wardrobe before, or

Why Use Meet Your Wardrobe Tracking Tools?
Why Use Meet Your Wardrobe Tracking Tools? Depending on businesses being sustainable or ethical is not enough anymore. It is time to empower yourself to